Watch the Video Tutorial: Creating an Asbestos Renovation Job Notification (Fast Track)

This video explains how to submit an Asbestos Renovation Job Notification with 72-hour Fast Track Fee using online payment
(Streaming MP4 Video | Elapsed Time 2:35)

This video guides the user through the process of submitting an Asbestos Renovation Job Notification and paying the 72-hour Fast Track Fee. Only Single-Family Dwellings (SFD) or residences with 4 units or less qualify for the Fast Track Fee option. It follows the same 6-step process of a 10-business day Renovation. The key differences occur in Steps 3, 5 and 6. Only the differences are highlighted in this video. Please watch our video on creating a 10-business day Renovation Notification first.


Last modified: Wednesday, March 7, 2018, 10:25 PM